Tuesday, November 17, 2015


  1. How to videos are fun. My cousin actually worked for Howcast videos a few years back and made some of the videos, you should check them out (https://www.youtube.com/user/Howcast) I could see you voicing this over dramatically and showing more steps in like a minute video.

  2. I think if this transitioned faster then you wouldnt see those odd moments in the morf, its too slow now

  3. Interesting use of morphing and it makes sense for the subject matter with processing of alcohol in the body. Interesting song choice, perhaps you could style the imagery to be reflective of a 1950's advertisement.

  4. The morphing is an interesting touch showing how you need to transition from one to the other after a period of time, but the music doesnt seem to go vert well with it in my opinion. I think it would need to be changed for a slower paced video or maybe to speed up the morphing or process some. Great job though!

  5. Hi James,

    I like how you play from point A to point B morphing, looks fun. The music is fine to me, but the background seem doesn't fit the mood, with the music is very fun and gray background make the feeling go away. I like how the title is going, where you have it correspond to the "COOR" typeface but if it have different hierarchy it will be more interesting.

  6. That's hysterical. The subject matter doesn't really fit the style, but I imagine it wouldn't be a big fix if you just replaced the graphics.
